Hibiscus Flowers Cut

Hibiscus Flowers Cut 1 oz.  Also called roselle flowers. Hibiscus flowers are full flavored with a rosy tartness. Use in teas, salad vinaigrette and soap making. Botanical Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa.  1 oz bag.


Price: $2.99

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Yerba Mate Cut

1 oz Yerba Mate in ziploc bag. Yerba maté is prized as a delicious, gently energizing herbal tea.  The flavor of the natural leaf is herbaceous and somewhat like green tea.  Botanical name: Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil., Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.  As a tea, pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tsp of herb, cover and steep 3-5 minutes. Yerba mate leaf (llex paraguariensis).  Serving Size: 1 tsp.  Yerba Mate has traditionally been used as a lightly stimulating beverage from South America that has a mild amount of caffeine with a little kick.


Price: $2.99

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Rooibos Tea

1 oz package, Authentic Rooibos, pronounced roy-boss, also known as Herbal Red Tea, comes only from the mountains in the remote area of central South Africa. This is a great tasting tea - naturally sweet, 100% organic, naturally caffeine free and 50 times more antioxidants than green tea.  Full bodied and extremely smooth. Just honest to goodness tea - good for the body and soul. One 2.5g serving is good for at least 2 cups. Put into a tea bag place in kettle, add 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil. It is absolutely delicious.


Price: $2.99

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Honeybush Tea

1 oz package.  Honeybush is a caffeine free herbal tea.  Honeybush is caffeine free, high in antioxidants, and has a sweet flavor with overtones of honey. We like adding a spoonful of honey while the tea is brewing to help it release its honey-like character. This tea is traditionally served hot, but is also great when served iced.  For the best brew, Honeybush should steep in water that has been brought to a rolling boil for 5-7 minutes.


Price: $2.99

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Spearmint Leaf

1 oz package.  A parent of peppermint and one of the oldest mints cultivated, spearmint is used to flavor all types of foods, such as jellies, jams, candies, sauces, desserts and fruit dishes. It is also used to flavor and fragrance toothpaste, mouthwash, lozenges and chewing gum. Spearmint makes a refreshing herbal tea and is delicious iced or hot.


Price: $2.99

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Camomile flowers

Camomile or Chamomile flowers are best known for the delicious aromatic herbal tea that they produce. The tea is so popular, it is found in most grocery stores. Chamomile flowers are widely used as a mild sedative, and is good for insomnia as well as many other nervous conditions.  Chamomile flowers are nervine and sedative especially suited to teething children and those who have been in a highly emotional state over a long period of time. Chamomile flowers are used in alternative medicine as an anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, nervine and digestion aid. Additional uses in herbal medicine include an antispasmodic for intestinal and menstrual cramps, relieving gas pains, and a very mild but efficient laxative. Their healing properties come from there daisylike flowers, that contain volatile oils (including bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin) as well as flavonoids.  1 oz bag.


Price: $2.99

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